Acupuncture + Cupping
Cupping is a therapy method that is combined with acupuncture for maximum benefit. During the treatment, cups made of thick glass are placed along specific points on your back meridians. They are heated with fire to create a vacuum that lifts the skin. This helps to improve blood circulation and relax your muscles.
When combined with acupuncture, cupping is even more effective. The cups are left in place for around 10-15 minutes before or after the needle is inserted, depending on your individual needs. The whole treatment typically takes around 50-60 minutes.
The effects of cupping
Many of our patients report feeling a release of tension in their muscles and a deep sense of relaxation after the treatment. If you’re looking for a more intense empowering therapy that can help soothe your body and mind, acupuncture combined with cupping may be just what you need.
Cupping is recommended for:
- Respiratory conditions
- Muscle aches (tight, stiff muscles and sport injuries)
- Stress and anxiety
- Sleep problems
- Headaches and migraines
- Deep relaxation
As a registered acupuncturist at Zhong, my sessions are covered by most health insurance plans. You can find more information about it in this reimbursement overview from zorgwijzer (in Dutch).